Team Monopoly Name:  Go2Jail(tm)

Real Name: Lisa

AKA:  nlights

Sex:  Frequently


 MONOPOLY  Move over nation!  Our players often limitless.  Yeah!

Where are you from?  Timmins, Ontario, Canada

Favourite hobby? Living on my computer, Reading, Excercising

Favourite type of music or band? Country, 70's & 80's rock & everything else in between.

How long have you been playing Acrophobia?  Since Sept '99

What Room do you like best and why?  40 somethings, because players offer great challenges and they are as crazy as can be!!!

Favourite Category: Animals, Geography

If you were sent to Jail, who/what  would you take with you and why?  Well, I wouldn't be going to jail, I'd be sending the rest to jailcuffing them with my furry handcuffs!  While keeping an eye on my inmates, I would be using my computer to play acrophobia and chat with friends.

Tell us something about yourself:  I'm 31 and married with 2 great kids.  A 4 and 8 year old.  The best challenge of my life, and all worth it.  I'm a hairstylist and full time mom.  I live in the Great White North where we have 4 seasons;  Almost winter, Winter, Still winter, Mosquito season!